Beauty Care for You
Provide information and useful tips for you

Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011
Efficacy Tomatoes for Health and Beauty
Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum) is a plant native to central and South America, Mexico and Peru. People know a lot of tomatoes as a fruit or a vegetable depends on the classification of types of tomatoes. Many foods using tomato for a variety of cuisines.
Tomatoes have a fresh flavor and contain vitamins A, B1 and vitamin C and lycopene, which is high in antioxidants to destroy free radicals due to pollution of air or other substances that are harmful to our bodies and to prevent damage to cells that cause cancer.
Tomatoes have a thin skin slick and shiny with a variety of shapes and sizes, yellow or red and have a lot of seeds.
In addition to cooking, it turns out tomatoes also have many benefits for skin beauty and health for our bodies.
Here are some of the benefits of tomatoes for beauty and health:
* Tomatoes can be used to get a healthy skin by eating tomatoes as much as 16 mg per day.
* To overcome the oily skin, you can also use tomato. By the way, make the juice by using ingredients from small tomatoes and cucumber. Then apply on the face evenly.
* Tomatoes are also beneficial for the health of our bodies. Tomatoes may help increase appetite, inhibits the growth of cancer cells (the prostate, cervix and breast).
Treating Diarrhea with Traditional Herbs
Diarrhea is a disease that causes the flavor to defecate continuously. Diarrhea causes feces that contain excessive water and continues over time. This occurs because the intestinal lining that causes inflammation of the intestinal contents movements become abnormal and cause the rest of the digestion in the large intestine does not absorb water.
Diarrhea caused by entry of bacteria and viruses that can cause infection of the intestine or may also be due to poisoning of food and beverages, consume foods that are not hygienic and eating too much spicy or acidic foods and excess vitamin C.
You definitely do not want to suffer from diarrhea because it was very unpleasant. Especially in a day you can back and forth to the bathroom.
Here are some tips on treating diarrhea by using the traditional ingredients that you can do:
1. Drink 3 or 4 cups of boiling water the leaves of strawberries per day to avoid diarrhea. Because strawberries contain astringent substances.
2. Prepare the saffron that is clean burning and have been cut by 1 / 2 finger, 7 guava leaf, 2 cups water and 1 / 4 teaspoon salt. boil all ingredients together over low heat. Then drink water as much as 1 teaspoonful every 1 hour.
Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011
Cure eye with traditional herbs
Eyes are one of the most important organ for us. Because the eye is the organ of vision.
And if you have health problems that eye red eye, dust or other intruding you will definitely feel very disturbed. Because of course greatly affects your confidence and you will feel d stay away by your friends. And when the red-eye, do not ever touch because it can damage and make the injury to the eye.
Cause the eyes look red eye becomes red, stinging and watering can even cause swelling in the eye and make it hard to open my eyes because of the dirt in the eye and vision becomes unclear. Eye pain is usually caused by infection from bacteria, fungi or viruses.
Eye pain is easily transmitted to others. There are a few tips that can be done to avoid sore eyes:
* Avoid sharing personal items like towels you, handkerchief, or any other contact lenses with others to prevent the spread of bacteria that exist in the eyes of others.
* Use eye protection such as goggles when riding a motorcycle that is not exposed to dust which can cause irritation.
Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011
Benefits of Dragon Fruit for Health
Dragon fruit is a fruit that comes from Mexico, Central America and South America which is now cultivated in many countries of Asia.
Dragon fruit is somewhat rounded oval shape that consists of roots, stems, thorns, flowers and fruit. There are several types of dragon fruit which is a type of white dragon fruit has a red rind, fruits black dragon fruit has dark skin, and yellow dragon fruit has a yellow rind.
Dragon fruit contains vitamin C, beta carotene, calcium and carbohydrates.
so, besides the taste is sweet and fresh dragon fruit turns out to have many benefits for your health. Here are some of the benefits of dragon fruit:
* Can lower blood sugar levels for people with diabetes by eating a red dragon fruit as much as 250 grams each morning and afternoon. This dragon fruit consumption for 8 days. But during this dragon fruits patient should not eat rice because rice is a source of sugar is not good for diabetics.
* Dragon fruit can also prevent osteoporosis because this fruit contains calcium which is very useful for our bone health.
Benefits of Carrots for Beauty and Health
Carrots (Daucus carota) is a plant that is orange with a texture like wood. Carrots are vegetables that are easily available and do not need to pay much for it, because the price is cheap. But did you know that the poorer Carrots have many benefits for our bodies?
Carrots contain water, carbohydrates, protein, fiber, fat, anti-cancer nutrients, pectin, glutanion, minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, amgnesium, chromium and natrium) and vitamins (beta carotene, B1, and C). Carrot leaves also contain porphyrins which can be useful to stimulate the glands pituary and increasing sex hormone.
Here are some of the benefits of carrots for beauty and health of our bodies:
1. Smooth face
Carrots are useful for our skin health is to smooth the face. By the way, prepare a clean 2-3 peeled carrots and the carrots. Then wash and grate carrots. And directly apply on face as a mask. And let it dry, then rinse thoroughly.
Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011
How to Overcome Insomnia
Do you often difficult to sleep at night? as if your eyes can not be closed and did not sleep during the night and in the morning will feel sleepy while doing daily activities. While humans are normally in general will feel sleepy at night and can move in a fresh condition. This is called insomnia.
Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which the state of someone having trouble sleeping at night.
insomnia is caused by several things, such as:
* Having bad habits such as drinking alcohol and coffee at the time going to sleep.
* Circumstances that disrupt the neighborhood like a lamp lit room, no noise, heat and others.
* Having a mental disorder caused by too many thoughts and stress.
* Use of sleeping pills or tranquilizers in the long term.
* Has a habit of often stayed up late and irregular hours of sleep.
* Depending on the mood he was feeling such as anxiety, restlessness, depression and fear.
Treating Eye Minus
One eye is the eye health disorders minus. And eye health disorders that commonly occur in young children or teenage children are myopia. Myopia is a state of eyes who can see objects at close range but could not see clearly when looking at objects that are far away. Myopia is often referred to as nearsightedness.
Suffering from minus eye is very troublesome. Because you can not escape from the glasses. Especially for those of you who suffer from myopia which has particularly high levels minus.
Minus the eye can be caused by some bad habits you like love to read at a distance too close, like to linger in front of the TV, like to read in dim light bulbs and others.
Surely you do not want to rely on glasses continuously. You definitely want to have a normal eye. There are a few tips you can do to treat eye minus using the traditional way:
1. Therapy using betel leaf.
Betel leaves contain essential oils that is kadinen, kavikol, sineol, eugenol, and karvakol. Betel leaf contains antifungal and antiseptic agents in all parts of the leaves.
Prepare a few betel leaves. Then fold into four sections. Bone-shaped part that is outside, then put betel leaves on the eye by using hansaplast. And leave overnight to remove impurities that exist in the eye.
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