Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011
Efficacy Tomatoes for Health and Beauty
Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum) is a plant native to central and South America, Mexico and Peru. People know a lot of tomatoes as a fruit or a vegetable depends on the classification of types of tomatoes. Many foods using tomato for a variety of cuisines.
Tomatoes have a fresh flavor and contain vitamins A, B1 and vitamin C and lycopene, which is high in antioxidants to destroy free radicals due to pollution of air or other substances that are harmful to our bodies and to prevent damage to cells that cause cancer.
Tomatoes have a thin skin slick and shiny with a variety of shapes and sizes, yellow or red and have a lot of seeds.
In addition to cooking, it turns out tomatoes also have many benefits for skin beauty and health for our bodies.
Here are some of the benefits of tomatoes for beauty and health:
* Tomatoes can be used to get a healthy skin by eating tomatoes as much as 16 mg per day.
* To overcome the oily skin, you can also use tomato. By the way, make the juice by using ingredients from small tomatoes and cucumber. Then apply on the face evenly.
* Tomatoes are also beneficial for the health of our bodies. Tomatoes may help increase appetite, inhibits the growth of cancer cells (the prostate, cervix and breast).
Treating Diarrhea with Traditional Herbs
Diarrhea is a disease that causes the flavor to defecate continuously. Diarrhea causes feces that contain excessive water and continues over time. This occurs because the intestinal lining that causes inflammation of the intestinal contents movements become abnormal and cause the rest of the digestion in the large intestine does not absorb water.
Diarrhea caused by entry of bacteria and viruses that can cause infection of the intestine or may also be due to poisoning of food and beverages, consume foods that are not hygienic and eating too much spicy or acidic foods and excess vitamin C.
You definitely do not want to suffer from diarrhea because it was very unpleasant. Especially in a day you can back and forth to the bathroom.
Here are some tips on treating diarrhea by using the traditional ingredients that you can do:
1. Drink 3 or 4 cups of boiling water the leaves of strawberries per day to avoid diarrhea. Because strawberries contain astringent substances.
2. Prepare the saffron that is clean burning and have been cut by 1 / 2 finger, 7 guava leaf, 2 cups water and 1 / 4 teaspoon salt. boil all ingredients together over low heat. Then drink water as much as 1 teaspoonful every 1 hour.
Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011
Cure eye with traditional herbs
Eyes are one of the most important organ for us. Because the eye is the organ of vision.
And if you have health problems that eye red eye, dust or other intruding you will definitely feel very disturbed. Because of course greatly affects your confidence and you will feel d stay away by your friends. And when the red-eye, do not ever touch because it can damage and make the injury to the eye.
Cause the eyes look red eye becomes red, stinging and watering can even cause swelling in the eye and make it hard to open my eyes because of the dirt in the eye and vision becomes unclear. Eye pain is usually caused by infection from bacteria, fungi or viruses.
Eye pain is easily transmitted to others. There are a few tips that can be done to avoid sore eyes:
* Avoid sharing personal items like towels you, handkerchief, or any other contact lenses with others to prevent the spread of bacteria that exist in the eyes of others.
* Use eye protection such as goggles when riding a motorcycle that is not exposed to dust which can cause irritation.
Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011
Benefits of Dragon Fruit for Health
Dragon fruit is a fruit that comes from Mexico, Central America and South America which is now cultivated in many countries of Asia.
Dragon fruit is somewhat rounded oval shape that consists of roots, stems, thorns, flowers and fruit. There are several types of dragon fruit which is a type of white dragon fruit has a red rind, fruits black dragon fruit has dark skin, and yellow dragon fruit has a yellow rind.
Dragon fruit contains vitamin C, beta carotene, calcium and carbohydrates.
so, besides the taste is sweet and fresh dragon fruit turns out to have many benefits for your health. Here are some of the benefits of dragon fruit:
* Can lower blood sugar levels for people with diabetes by eating a red dragon fruit as much as 250 grams each morning and afternoon. This dragon fruit consumption for 8 days. But during this dragon fruits patient should not eat rice because rice is a source of sugar is not good for diabetics.
* Dragon fruit can also prevent osteoporosis because this fruit contains calcium which is very useful for our bone health.
Benefits of Carrots for Beauty and Health
Carrots (Daucus carota) is a plant that is orange with a texture like wood. Carrots are vegetables that are easily available and do not need to pay much for it, because the price is cheap. But did you know that the poorer Carrots have many benefits for our bodies?
Carrots contain water, carbohydrates, protein, fiber, fat, anti-cancer nutrients, pectin, glutanion, minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, amgnesium, chromium and natrium) and vitamins (beta carotene, B1, and C). Carrot leaves also contain porphyrins which can be useful to stimulate the glands pituary and increasing sex hormone.
Here are some of the benefits of carrots for beauty and health of our bodies:
1. Smooth face
Carrots are useful for our skin health is to smooth the face. By the way, prepare a clean 2-3 peeled carrots and the carrots. Then wash and grate carrots. And directly apply on face as a mask. And let it dry, then rinse thoroughly.
Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011
How to Overcome Insomnia
Do you often difficult to sleep at night? as if your eyes can not be closed and did not sleep during the night and in the morning will feel sleepy while doing daily activities. While humans are normally in general will feel sleepy at night and can move in a fresh condition. This is called insomnia.
Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which the state of someone having trouble sleeping at night.
insomnia is caused by several things, such as:
* Having bad habits such as drinking alcohol and coffee at the time going to sleep.
* Circumstances that disrupt the neighborhood like a lamp lit room, no noise, heat and others.
* Having a mental disorder caused by too many thoughts and stress.
* Use of sleeping pills or tranquilizers in the long term.
* Has a habit of often stayed up late and irregular hours of sleep.
* Depending on the mood he was feeling such as anxiety, restlessness, depression and fear.
Treating Eye Minus
One eye is the eye health disorders minus. And eye health disorders that commonly occur in young children or teenage children are myopia. Myopia is a state of eyes who can see objects at close range but could not see clearly when looking at objects that are far away. Myopia is often referred to as nearsightedness.
Suffering from minus eye is very troublesome. Because you can not escape from the glasses. Especially for those of you who suffer from myopia which has particularly high levels minus.
Minus the eye can be caused by some bad habits you like love to read at a distance too close, like to linger in front of the TV, like to read in dim light bulbs and others.
Surely you do not want to rely on glasses continuously. You definitely want to have a normal eye. There are a few tips you can do to treat eye minus using the traditional way:
1. Therapy using betel leaf.
Betel leaves contain essential oils that is kadinen, kavikol, sineol, eugenol, and karvakol. Betel leaf contains antifungal and antiseptic agents in all parts of the leaves.
Prepare a few betel leaves. Then fold into four sections. Bone-shaped part that is outside, then put betel leaves on the eye by using hansaplast. And leave overnight to remove impurities that exist in the eye.
Eliminate Smelly Feet
Having smelly feet that do not often make one confident. Because of the less savory aroma that comes interfere with performance and interfere with the comfort of others.
You definitely feel embarrassed when removing the shoe and your feet smell. This is caused by the sweat that settles in the legs and feet including the presence of bacteria as the most sweaty body parts.
Foot odor is caused by shoes that are dirty because they never cleaned or washed and also because the feet sweat frequently.
nah ... you definitely do not want to have my feet smell. There are a few tips that you can do to keep your feet do not smell less pleasant. The following tips:
1. Use cotton socks and use open shoes to keep feet dry. Because the shoes and socks can also cause foot odor.
2. Use a coffee and then wrap the coffee by using a tissue. Then enter into the shoe.
Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011
various Benefits of Noni
Noni, Morinda citrifolia has a Latin name is derived from southeast Asia has many health benefits for your body.
Noni is usually grown in the lowlands and the high achieving 3-8 this meter. This fruit is green and speckled and has many seeds and if you are old to be yellow and smelly. But this fruit is generally avoided because many people have unpleasant odors. But behind the less savory smell of it, many of the benefits contained therein.
Some of the substances contained in noni are nutrients (protein, vitamins and minerals), terpenoids to assist in restoring the body's cells, anti-bacterial substances, Scolopetin as anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic, anti-cancer substances, Xeronine and proxeronine.
Here are some health benefits of noni to the body:
1. Relieve high blood pressure, reduce cough, reduce fever and jaundice.
2. Increase endurance, fight tumors and cancer, anti-inflammatory and anti allergic.
Natural Herbs Eliminate Cellulite
Cellulite is a thick tissue generally occurs in women who appear due to accumulation of fat under the skin. Cellulite is like an orange peel which is usually found on the thighs, abdomen and buttocks.
With the cellulite, the skin can reduce the beauty of women. And certainly no woman who wants this to happen to him. Since the appearance of cellulite can disrupt you and affect a person's level of confidence.
Cellulite can appear due to several factors among which obesity, unhealthy eating patterns, eating habits and beverages that contain alcohol, eating spicy foods, smoking, stress, lack of rest and lack of exercise.
Here are some tips you can do to eliminate cellulite using traditional ingredients:
1. Prepare 1 cup of fresh coffee grounds, 1 egg white, 1 tablespoon olive oil. First, mix all ingredients and then use the massage on the parts of your body that cellulite. Massage play and then rinse. Or it could be any other way is to apply the potion on the cellulite and then wrap it with plastic parts. Then let stand for 10 minutes. Do this 3 times a week.
2. Drink the juice of green food such as avocado, spinach, cucumber and broccoli to balance estrogen levels. To be sweeter add to apples.
Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011
Prevent and Treat Thrush
Thrush is the inflammation that occurs in the mucous membranes of the mouth that causes white patches form injuries. The emergence of these ulcers cause pain and tenderness. So that is very disturbing your activities such as eating, talking, and laughing.
Thrush is caused by several factors, including the consumption of food or hot drinks, because biting, lack of vitamin C and iron, digestive disorders, allergies and lack of oral hygiene.
Thrush can affect the mucous membranes of the inner cheek, gums, tongue and palate in the oral cavity.
Here are some tips to treat thrush naturally and healthy by using traditional ingredients:
1. Gargling with salt water. By way of gargling with warm water mixed that has been mixed with salt. Because the salt content can accelerate the healing. Do this 3 times a day.
2. By using betel leaf. The trick, take 1 or 2 pieces of betel leaf. Then wash thoroughly betel leaf, then chew. And let the leaves briefly in the mouth are exposed to canker sores
3. Using water guava. First, take the bark of young guava water as much as 10 grams. Then wash and mash until smooth, then add 1 / 2 cup of boiled water. After that, strain and use the filtered water to rinse.
Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011
Overcoming constipation with traditional herbs
Constipation is a digestive disorder that causes the system difficult defecation due to the hardened feces.
Constipation is caused by several things such as lack of body fluids, solid activity, the gut is less elastic, bad lifestyle, lack of vitamin C, caused by the disease and hold bowel habits.
There are several traditional ways to cope with constipation you can do:
1. Prepare 2 carrots, then wash carrots thoroughly. Then the grated carrots and add 2 tablespoons of boiled water and a pinch of salt. After that, squeeze and put the water in the glass. Drink this mixture two times a day.
2. By using sweet potatoes. By way of washing sweet potatoes 60 grams 60 grams of watercress first. Then stir-fry or boil two materials with water added to taste. Then ready to eat.
3. Prepare 30 grams of leaves alamanda then boiled with water added to taste. Drinking water while warm.
Treating cough with traditional herbs
Coughing is a symptom of a disease to irritation in the throat caused due to the presence of mucus, dust, smoke the others. Cough cough there are 2 types of chronic and acute cough.
Acute Chronic cough is a cough that experienced less than 14 days. While chronic cough is a cough that is older than 14 days.
Cough is caused by several causes of the allergy, asthma, dust, cigarette smoke inhalation, and respiratory tract infections.
There are a few tips to cure cough using traditional ingredients:
1. Prepare 10 pieces of betel leaf. Then the betel leaves boiled with 400 cc of water and let the water was shrunk to 200 cc. Then drink the potion in a warm state. Drink this mixture two times a day.
2. Prepare a galingal of thumb, 1 cup warm water and salt to taste. First, grated kencur first and then add the warm water. Then squeeze and strain. After that, add salt to taste then drink the potion. Drink 1-3 times a day.
Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011
Eliminate Pityriasis Versicolor on the Skin
Pityriasis versicolor is one of the skin disease characterized by the emergence of white spots and the hot weather and sweating will cause intense itching. The disease is caused by a fungus that occurs when our skin is moist and if we are lacking hygiene.
Pityriasis versicolor usually in the chest, arms, neck, legs, back, face and other body parts. This disease will make a person become confident in the association.
To cope with this skin disease, there are a few tips that use traditional ingredients to eliminate Pityriasis versicolor naturally:
1. Using galangal. First, galangal clean by washing. Then the grated ginger and squeeze the water. Then gently rub the juice on the affected skin fungus. To obtain maximum results, do it 3x a day. Use this herb for children who do not have sensitive skin and older than 3 years.
2. Prepare lime and sulfur. The first split into 4 parts orange juice and then mash until smooth sulfur that had been prepared earlier. Then dip the slices of lime to sulfur. Rub the skin of the affected skin fungus. Do this 2 times a day until healed shower.
Brighten a Dark Underarm Skin
Have black underarm skin which is not desired by women. They crave underarm skin is bright and does not look black. Black armpit can reduce your confidence, especially if you wear a sleeveless shirt. Even wear sleeveless anything you may still feel uncomfortable.
Underarm skin which becomes black can be caused by frequent shaving underarm hair, use deodorant roll on that is not suited to the type of skin, dead skin cell stack and hormonal factors.
There are a few tips you can do to brighten a dark underarm skin using natural ingredients. Here's how:
1. Using lemon and cucumber. By the way squeeze of lemon and then take the juice mixed with cucumber that has been shredded. Then mix well then rub on the underarm and let stand for 20 minutes. After that, rinse with warm water.
Or can also be a way that both the thin slices of lemon, then place it on underarm skin and allow up to 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.
2. Take the toothpaste and then dab at your fingertips. Then apply evenly to underarms, rub for 15 minutes. For maximum results, do this routinely.
3. Provide lime and then split into 4. Then mixed with whiting to taste and rub the mixture into the armpits of a black. And let it dry and then rinse with clean water.
4. Using coconut oil. By way of an orange peel blender with coconut oil droplets given. Do not blend until smooth. Then apply and rub the herb on the skin of the armpit.
Eliminate Bad Breath
Bad breath is a problem that can cause a person to be insecure. Because even though with a pretty face and attractive appearance, but if you have any problems with the mouth must be very unpleasant and disturbing appearance. And can interfere with daily activities such as talking and hanging out with people.
There are several factors that cause bad breath:
a. Eating pungent foods that can cause bad breath such as garlic, fish or durian.
b. Smoking and drinking coffee
c. Oral bacteria proliferate and accumulate can remove unpleasant odors. These bacteria hide in between the teeth and the tongue surface.
d. Dry mouth and lack of drinking water
e. The oral cavity is not clean can cause bad breath because it can cause plaque, a buildup of dirt on the surface of the tooth. This can cause bleeding gums and bad breath.
There are several factors that cause bad breath:
a. Eating pungent foods that can cause bad breath such as garlic, fish or durian.
b. Smoking and drinking coffee
c. Oral bacteria proliferate and accumulate can remove unpleasant odors. These bacteria hide in between the teeth and the tongue surface.
d. Dry mouth and lack of drinking water
e. The oral cavity is not clean can cause bad breath because it can cause plaque, a buildup of dirt on the surface of the tooth. This can cause bleeding gums and bad breath.
Senin, 15 Agustus 2011
Eliminate Scars Naturally
The scars are healing wounds that leave scars d skin. The scar is really painless, but can reduce your confidence because it must really make you uncomfortable and interfere with your appearance.
Scars can be caused by accident, exposed exhaust, exposed blades or acne and others. But you do not have to worry about this, because your scar can be removed by using natural ingredients.
Here are some tips that you can do to remove scars naturally:
1. * By using a lemon. Lemon puree first, then apply a lemon that has been crushed earlier in the scar as much as 2x a day until the wound disappeared.
* The second way, the lemon slice into several sections. Then rub on the scar.
2. By using green tea. That is by using a wet cotton with green tea. Then dab on the scar.
Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011
Redden the Lips Naturally
Every woman must have longed for lips are rosy, healthy, smooth and naturally beautiful. Can show the woman's lips look more sexi, sweet and beautiful as the lips is an attraction for a woman.
But not all women have naturally rosy lips. The problem is to have a dark lips So many women who have tried various ways to get a rosy lips to look beautiful and gorgeous. Even to get his wish, they do not hesitate to spend that much.
A dark lip caused by several factors. Such as genetic, the condition of dry lips, cosmetics and allergies are also caused by factors such as the habit of drinking coffee and smoking habits.
Have dark lips not lips that can not be rosy. Because there are several ways you can do to get rosy lips. Redden the lips are naturally better than using lipstick or lip balm, because the use of lipstick is also one of the factors that make your lips become black. And lips must have looked more beautiful and naturally beautiful rosy when naturally without using lipstick.
Overcoming Chapped Lips
Lips are part of our body is elastic and smooth and is one of the sensitive part. Because the lips are not well maintained could pose a problem. One of them is chapped lips wich causes a thin layer of skin peeling lips.
Chapped lips are not addressed can cause inflammation and irritation of your lips. If this is allowed, then your lips can bleed and cause pain and tenderness. This is of course very disturbing your activities such as eating. It must be very uncomfortable eating in condition chapped lips.
Chapped lips are caused by several things. Such as weather conditions and temperature changes, smoke. use cosmetics that do not fit or cosmetics that contain harsh chemicals, custom lip licking, lip biting, and eating foods that can cause the lips become dry.
To prevent and cope with the dry lips and chapped, here are some tips for you:
* Prepare a ripe papaya, then destroy papaya until smooth. Then apply to your lips evenly. Let stand for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. After that use a lip balm.
Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011
Keeping the Body Stay Slim
Every woman must have longed for a beautiful body and slim so pleasing to the eye. When your body getting fat, you must have felt uneasy with the weight of your growing. Fat is often poses some risk of diseases such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes and others.
But not least, women who have problems with excessive body weight or too skinny. To get the ideal body and slender, many women who perform a variety of ways that they are following.
To get a slim body, many of which use a slimming drug, liposuction, excessive dieting. But the use of slimming drugs that use chemicals is not good for your body. Because it is dangerous for the body and can make us become addicted.
So you should do your slimming program without using chemicals or by way of instant. You better have a naturally slim body.
Here are some tips you can do to get a slim body naturally:
Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011
Whiten Teeth Naturally
Everyone would want healthy teeth and bright white. Have teeth that are yellowish in color can make you less confident when dealing with people. It is certainly very disturbing your looks, because you feel unable to appear confident, can not be free to laugh in embarrassment with tooth-colored yellowish.
Yellow teeth can be caused by several things. Such as smoking, drinking coffee, tea or alcohol as these drinks can cause discoloration on your teeth and cause dental plaque.
But you do not have to worry about the yellow teeth problem . To get white teeth healthy and bright, are now widely available products that offer special products to whiten your teeth from a costly or inexpensive. Such as toothpaste, mouthwash and chewing gum.However, excessive tooth whitening will make your teeth become sensitive and damaging the health of your teeth. Therefore you need to consult a dental professional in advance to check the health of your teeth.
You can also use the traditional ways that do not need a cost that much but it is also not to damage the health of your teeth. Here, tips to whiten teeth naturally you can do:
Prevent Growth of Gray
Each person would not want gray hair. Gray hair is your hair turn white. Asian people's hair is generally black or dark colored due to the higher melanin content. But when the melanin is not produced anymore it will be able to cause growth of gray or white hair.
Gray hair indeed can not be removed but can still be overcome. Gray hair that has been synonymous with old age people and skills so that the body does not produce melanin in people aged 40 and over will grow gray.
But at present, there are many people who are young have gray hairs appear. This can occur due to genetic factors, nutritional intake problems, and psychological conditions.
Growth of gray hair can be prevented in several ways as follows:
* Consumption of foods containing vitamin B12, such as meat, liver, cheese and fish. By taking vitamin B12, then you can slow the growth of gray. In addition, to avoid anemia.
* Eat enough protein to inhibit the growth of gray. Protein is needed if the body to form enzymes that form the pigment is not reduced.
Senin, 08 Agustus 2011
Eliminate Wrinkles on the Face
With increasing age will cause the appearance of fine wrinkles on your face. This will cause the wrinkles you look older. And surely you fret and do not want any wrinkles in your face, you definitely want to look younger than her.
Usually to overcome this problem, many are looking for products that are used to remove wrinkles on the face. Wrinkles typically appear on the chin or forehead.
To remove wrinkles on your face, there are some traditional tips you can do:
1. Prepare the pineapple, then peel the skin. Then puree the pineapple flesh. After that apply a pineapple that has been refined to the face you. Let stand for 5-10 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly.
Remove Acne
Acne is a problem frequently faced by teenagers. With increasing age is usually during adolescence, acne is often present and makes us feel upset and very disturbed.
Acne is very disturbing your appearance and make you less confident. Acne can appear on the nose, forehead, cheeks and it really bothers you.
acne can be eliminated either by using the traditional way and modern way.
The traditional way you can do using traditional herbs, while the modern way you can do with using drugs to get rid of acne which is now widely available, or by using the modern tool used by doctors.
However, you should try to use traditional herbs only, because it is natural and minimize side effects.
Here are tips to remove acne you can do:
1. Be diligent to clean your face, especially for those of you who have oily face to help remove the oil on the surface of your skin that causes acne bacteria do not live in our face.
Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011
Tapering and thick lashes with traditional herbs
Surely you want the eyelashes are long, tapering and thick. With eyelashes will definitely enhance your appearance and make your eyes look more beautiful and wonderful. Every woman would want it. For
get eyelashes and thick it is not difficult but it is also not an easy thing.
There have been many cosmetic products that offer products that are used to make the lashes into length, there is a special mascara are used to make eyelashes become thicker and tapering. There also are using false eyelashes. This is of course complicated for you and it would be great if you have long eyelashes, thick, tapering and naturally.
Here are some tips for you, in order to have long eyelashes, thick, tapering and using traditional ingredients:
1. You can use olive oil or cream is safe to use for the eyelashes and use it before bed.Olive oil will stimulate follicle growth and healing irritation that can inhibit the growth of . In addition, the oil can also make your lashes become longer and thicker.
Overcoming Oily Skin
Oily skin is one of the many skin problems encountered. Oily skin causes the skin to look shiny and dull when exposed to dust. If this is allowed will cause pimples on your face. Of course this kind of thing would bother you and make you annoyed.
Oily skin is caused by several factors. That can happen because of your diet that might like to consume fatty or salty food, because of the gene, the type of cosmetics used and especially is heredity. Because usually the parents who have oily skin, it will be down to his son.
To overcome the oily skin, now it has a lot of beauty products that offer a wide range of products used for those of you who have oily skin problems.
But you must also consider the ways you care. If you use products that use harsh chemicals, and can reduce excess oil will cause new problems for you. Because it will cause your skin to become dry, therefore the treatment of oily skin is not an easy thing. Because it takes a balance, so that the skin is not oily and does not become dry.
Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011
Efficacy of Lemon for Skin Beauty and Health
Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) has flesh that tastes sour is almost the same as lemon.
There are so many benefits of orange juice we can get. Whether it's for the beauty of your skin naturally and can also be used as an ingredient for medicine.
Various benefits are:
1. Lime juice can be used as a cough medicine.
2. If your hair looks greasy and dry, it can be washed using warm water that has been mixed with lemon juice. Then your hair will be smooth and shiny.
3. Cut the lemon in half, then rub on the skin or facial skin. Then the skin will become white, smooth and naturally bright.
Prevent Unpleasant Body Odor
Everyone will want a body fragrance and fresh. But not least also a problem with body odor. This is of course very disturbing your appearance and reduce your confidence. Especially when you're hanging out with friends or are attending the event which was attended by many people. Surely you very uncomfortable.
Body odor is affected by diet, sex, occupation, medications, genetic factors, psychiatric conditions such as when someone is emotional stress or because the circumstances are such that makes the apocrine glands work more productively and effectively.
Apocrine glands found in hair root zone, such as the armpits, groin and inside the nose. Actually, the apocrine glands produce a liquid that smells just fat. However, because in every strand of hair found apocrine containing bacteria that play a role in the process of decay, it will cause an unpleasant body odor.
Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011
Black Hair with The Traditional Herbs
Many people would want the hair healthy and shiny black. With shiny black hair that you will certainly appear more confident.
But not a few are also those who wonder how to get black hair shiny and soft?
Because one of the problems often faced hair that is dull and dry hair because the bronzed in hot sun or other causes.
How to blacken the hair can be done using the traditional treatment is by using the traditional ingredients:
1. * Prepare a few leaves of celery
* Mash celery until soft, then squeeze and take the water
Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011
Curing Whitish with Traditional Herbs
Whiteness is a kind of slim that came out too much. It is white rather thick and slightly yellowish in color. Normal vaginal discharge that is coming out not too much, but if the whiteness out too much would be a problem. In general, many women suffering from vaginal discharge like this. Whitish too much cause the unpleasant smell.
Vaginal discharge caused by the disease in the uterus, fallopian tubes or other parts of female genitalia. That is because the occurrence of inflammation and infection of the vagina, fungi, parasites and bacteria due to lack of hygiene.In addition whiteness can also be caused by malnutrition, fatigue, anemia and obesity. The signs of genital discharge white, pale face, pain in the uterus, and reduced sexual arousal.
If the disease is not treated immediately whitish, then it is likely to cause infertility or not having children.Whiteness can be cured by using traditional ingredients.
Smooth Your Skin with Traditional Treatments
The skin is one part of the body that must be maintained and well cared for. A well-maintained skin will look healthy and naturally beautiful. Surely everyone wants a smooth and bright skin.
To soften and smooth your skin is not a difficult thing. You can do skin care without the use of cosmetics that require expensive, because it simply by using traditional treatments.
Here are tips on how traditional treatments to soften or smooth your skin. And you can try.
1. The first way:
* Take 3 handheld white sticky rice and 15 cloves of the ripe stems acid
* Remove the skin of acid, then roasted along with sticky rice until it becomes charred
Senin, 01 Agustus 2011
Reducing Pain during Menstruation
Every month she would have called menstruation. If regular menstruation and normal, then it will not bring aches and pains. But if at the time of menstruation we feel pain, stomach feels like squeezing blood out while more. Of course this makes you feel uncomfortable if your period comes.
This problem can be overcome with some way to use herbal medicine which is a traditional herb. Here are tips for you:
Take a piece of gambier and 2 pieces of turmeric for 3 pinkie and betel leaves. Combine all three and mash until smooth. Then give a little water, a tablespoon or 2 tablespoons and stir until blended. After that squeeze by using a soft cloth, grab a water extract of the herb. Once squeezed, then drink the water.
Nourish Hair with the Traditional Compound
For a woman, hair is a crown that should really be kept and maintained to keep hair healthy and beautiful. With beautiful hair you will definitely appear more confident.
But if you are quite right in choosing products that are less appropriate care, will be able to cause damage to your hair.
As with parts of the body, hair also requires good nutrition to stay healthy and beautiful. Nutrition is not sufficient to inhibit hair growth. Hair needs protein which is a very special substance that is needed by the hair.
Here are some tips you can do to nourish your hair using traditional ingredients:
1. Every morning, find that there is dew on the sidelines of the banana stalk with the stem leaves. Then use the dew to massaged into your hair every morning after waking. In less than a month your hair will grow bushy.
2. Take aloe vera and then split into 2 parts. Then rub the sap on your hair thoroughly and better if the sap on the scalp so that seep into the pores of the hair root. And let stand for 12 hours and then rinse thoroughly. Do this for 3 months, at least 2x a week.
Vaginal Scent
The vagina is the most intimate for a woman. Then definitely require extra care. But not least also the number of women who have vaginal smells. It's going to feel uncomfortable with this.
Vaginal smells are caused by several things that is caused by an infection that occurs in the vagina or cervix, vaginal discharge, may also be caused by lack of hygiene in caring for her vagina. But you need not worry as this can be overcome by using a traditional herb that has been proven usefulness since time immemorial.
There are several ways you can do, namely:
1. Pound 25 grams of basil leaves until smooth and then wring it out and filter it with a soft cloth, take the juice. After that mix with 1 tablespoon honey and salt tip of the nail. Then stir until smooth, then drink. Tomorrow morning repeat, do up to 1 month.
Moisturize Dry Skin
Surely you feel upset if you have skin that is dry. Due to the dry skin that would be difficult if given a make-up. But you do not have to worry about this, because dry skin can also be treated so that it has the properties of normal skin.
Dry skin (xerosis, Asteatosis) is less skin moist so it looks crusty or cracked. This is because the weather is cold, air conditioning, or because the use of soap.
There are several ways to moisturize dry skin. Without costly, you can overcome the dry skin with traditional ingredients .
1. Using avocado
Avocado (Persea americana) can provide vitamins for our sensitive skin face and dry skin * Mash the avocado until it becomes are like porridge
* Then apply the avocado puree on the surface of the skin, so skin becomes moist
* Once dry, rinse with warm water
* Then use a piece of ice cubes to rub the entire surface of the skin.
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