Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

Overcoming the Problem of Dandruff

One hair problem experienced by many people is dandruff. Dandruff is the Latin name of pityriasis capitis is an exfoliation of dead skin on the head in excessive amounts. Dandruff can cause itching or even hair fall. This is very annoying person's self confidence especially when wearing a dark colored and appear in front of crowds, of course this is very disturbing appearance.

Dandruff is very itchy during the day, when hot and sweaty. And if it itches, you scratch it definitely is not it? Do not scratch too hard, because it will cause infection in your scalp.

Dandruff shampoos can be caused by the use does not match your hair, when you rinse shampoo less clean, the age factor, and stress.

Now it has a lot of hair care products that offer products to overcome and prevent dandruff problem.
We recommend using a shampoo made ​​from zinc, sulfur shampoo, shampoo tar, and selenium shampoo because the shampoo-shampoo may reduce the incidence of dandruff and reduces itching. Previously you have to pay attention to where the shampoo that matches your hair, because there are also shampoos that are incompatible with certain hair types.

And if you want to perform maintenance naturally, you can do this by basking in the sun in the morning or afternoon. To maintain healthy scalp. But be careful, do not let your scalp feel too hot.
There are also other ways ie by manggunakan aloe vera. Ie by way of peeled aloe vera until the inside is transparent in color. After that apply on the scalp thoroughly and let stand for about 10 minutes. And rinse with shampoo to clean.

1 komentar:

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